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Matt Aug

Occupation / Title: President – Cox HealthPlans

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 6.5 years

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian? The fellowship at the weekly meetings and various events throughout the year.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise? My fondest memories are the work days we have had over the last 6 years at both the Child Advocacy Center and Ashley House, working side by side with other Rotarians for a great cause.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian? Some of the funniest memories I have are working the beer tent at Rock n Ribs, between the customers and the Rotarians I look forward to it every year.

What is your life motto? Treat others as you would want to be treated.

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? As it relates to rotary, the more you put into the club and being active in it, the more you will get out of it and you will get it back many times over.
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Jean Gruetzemacher

Occupation / Title: Vice President of Philanthropy, Mercy Health Foundation Springfield

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: Six

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian? Starting my Wednesday mornings with a group of lively, energetic Rotarians with a keen volunteer spirit.  I generally always leave the meeting smiling or laughing.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise? Being selected as Sunrise Rotarian of the Year

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian? I don’t embarrass easily.  I’m the middle of 7 kids so I’m tuff skinned.

What is your life motto? Lead by example

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? Service above self…He profits most who serves best.


Dennis Heim

April's Spotlight is Dennis! He is a longtime Rotarian who strives to live by the Four Way Test daily.

Financial Advisor      

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary:
26 years

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian?
The charitable work rotary does both locally and internationally.
I also enjoy comradery with fellow members.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise?
The looks on the faces of the kids, and parents during  middle school recognition.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian?
Juggling tennis balls as a fine from the sergeant at arms
Playing Rotary basketball….in a football body.
Rockin Ribs- when its late in the day…

What is your life motto?
“Success is not final, Failure is not fatal, it is the drive to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians?
Follow the 4 way test, and live every day like it may be your last.
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Dan Patterson

The March Spotlight belongs to Dan Patterson! Dan is a hard working business and family man who's ethics and friendships have not gone unnoticed by his fellow Rotarians'.     

Occupation / Title: Greene County Prosecuting Attorney

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 17 years

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian? It provides a welcome weekly reminder that our community is a great place made up of good people doing good works and that the world I work in is the exception not the rule.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise?  Rather than a single memory, it is the privilege of membership.  My father was a long time Rotarian (South East – unfortunately) and I always aspired to join Rotary as I grew up watching him and visiting his club.  It is an honor to associate with each of our members and people like our former president Jack Preston.  Jack was a leader of my Cub Scout pack when I attended Disney Elementary School.  As an adult it was a privilege to be able to join him in Rotary.  I will always remember him playing that goofy ukulele.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian?  Trying to blend in while working the beer truck at Rock-n-Ribs with Charles.

What is your life motto?  Be Prepared

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? Don’t try to get out of jury duty. We need you!!!

Anything you’d like to add?  Don’t try to get out of jury duty. We need you!!!

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Rowland Geddie

February's Sunrise Spotlight is Rowland Geddie. Rowland is on the Club's Board and is a dedicated Rotarian and friend to all. Sunrise is lucky to have such a dedicated and reputable member like Rowland!

Occupation / Title:  General Counsel at Gardner Capital, Inc.

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary:  2.5, following 18 years as a member of the Rotary Club of Lamar

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian?  The opportunities for service and fellowship with the great members of Sunrise Rotary.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise?  Sunrise Rotary won an award for per capita giving to The Rotary Foundation for the 2012 Rotary year.  I accepted the award from Past RI President Ray Klinginsmith at the Foundation Banquet in November 2012, even though I was not a member of the club in that Rotary year.  I was the only member of the club at the banquet.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian?  Mercifully, the embarrassing memories have been forgotten.  One memory that strikes me as funny occurred in 2006.  The Lamar Rotary Club had sponsored four high school juniors to attend RYLA, which was about three hours from Lamar.  I picked up the girls from the camp.  There was a lot of chatter about their experiences at RYLA for about half an hour—and then dead silence as all four of them fell asleep after a busy three days.

What is your life motto?  I haven’t adopted a life motto, so I’ll just say, “Service above Self!”

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians?  Rotary provides a myriad of opportunities for fellowship and service.  My Rotary viewpoint was broadened by attending a District Conference.  The programs and displays showed many opportunities that our club could sponsor.  You get out of Rotary what you put into it.  Get involved!

Anything you’d like to add?  I’ve enjoyed being a member of Sunrise Rotary for the past 2½ years.  It provides great fellowship and opportunities to serve the community in different ways.
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Kathy Fritts

January’s Sunrise Spotlight is Kathy Fritts! In addition to her long time membership and service as a Rotarian, Sunrise members nominated Kathy because of her uplifting spirit and friendly demeanor (even on an early Wednesday morning). She is a valued part of the community and a loved member of Sunrise Rotary!

Kathy Fritts

Occupation / Title: Associate General Manager, IT & Transportation

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 16 Years

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian?
I enjoy the fellowship that occurs every week.  I firmly believe that whatever advice I need or problems I need help with, there is a Rotarian in this club that I can trust completely for guidance.  We seem to drop everything to come to the aid of a fellow Sunrise Rotarian.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise?
My memories are often centered around events outside of our regular meetings.  Some of my most rewarding moments involved Rock’n Ribs in the early years.  During those days, this was truly a bootstraps operation.  I was heavily involved in the “food operation” – meat distribution and vendors for years.  What a great way to make lasting friendships with the teams.  Recent fond memories usually occur at other social events – one of my annual favorites being the BobFire.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian?
During the year I was president, our District Governor visit occurred early in the year (as it does every year).  Our Sergeant at Arms, who often surprised me with some fairly inappropriate remarks, chose this week to aim his comments at me.  Something about my name on the bathroom wall…  He found this funny and I realized how critical it was to be careful selecting your Sergeant at Arms!

What is your life motto?
Not sure about a life motto – but I have received words of wisdom from a former boss that have stuck with me for 30 years.  His advice – “Keep your eye on your own ball.”  I find this is great advice when I or others are tempted to wish they had something that others had earned or achieved.

From a personal perspective, I like to follow the advice of “Keep your I love you’s up to date.”  Don’t wait to let friends and family know how much they mean to you.

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians?
Don’t just show up for breakfast as your only involvement with the club.  There are so many great people and opportunities to do good in the community and world.  Enjoy them!

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Dr. Kort Harshman

December’s Sunrise Spotlight is Dr. Kort Harshman. Kort visibly displays his enthusiasm and heart for Rotary by living by the 4 way test and giving back to his community and friends. These, among many other reasons, are what makes Kort a valued member of Sunrise and this month’s Sunrise Spotlight!

Dr. Kort Harshman

Occupation / Title: Doctor of Chiropractic

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 4

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian? It’s my belief that if you surround yourself with good quality people, who have good quality thoughts, those qualities begin to rub off on you.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise?  When we were able to announce that Ashley House was going to be the beneficiary of our service project work again.  When I first joined Rotary, the relationship with Ashley house was very rocky.  After getting to work with the girls and the staff at Ashley House I truly believe that what we do there is making a difference.  I am proud of that.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian?   The most embarrassing memory is when I realized that I stood up to speak to the group and later discovered my pants were unzipped.  My funniest memory is when Gambon got thrown into a Sherriff’s car and hauled away.

What is your life motto?  Life is simple, follow the Golden Rule and The 10 Commandments.

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? Don’t forget to be amazed, life is amazing, friends and family are amazing, our city, state and country is amazing.  Our club is amazing.

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Jerry Harmison

November’s Sunrise Spotlight is Jerry! He was nominated by his peers for the Sunrise Spotlight honor for many reasons but most of all he was nominated for his continued practice of the Rotary motto “Service Above Self”.

Occupation / Title:  Attorney at Harmison & Pearman, P.C.

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary:  25 years.  The youngest Charter Member at age 27.

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian?  The fact that Rotary provides a worldwide network of business men and women with a common goal of improving their respective communities and the world as a whole.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise?  When we fill up the pyramid for the Rotary Foundation.  I had the pleasure of creating the pyramid and I am very proud of our members when we reach the top annually.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian?  I simply enjoy the fun we have teasing each other on a weekly basis.  Personally, I enjoyed sharing the Pickle Slicer joke at a meeting, since it is my only workers’ compensation joke.

What is your life motto?  The 7 Ps!  (Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.)

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians?   Remain active in our club and enjoy the friendship of fellow members, while supporting local and worldwide causes.

Anything you’d like to add?  I am proud to be a member of Sunrise, and I encourage our younger members to become active in our club.  Live by our motto!
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Scott Miller

Scott Miller is October’s Sunrise Spotlight! Scott was nominated by his peers for being a long time Rotarian who’s been an active and influential part of the community and has made his fellow Rotarians proud to call him a Rotary Club of Springfield Sunrise member!

Occupation / Title:  General Manager/CEO City Utilities of Springfield

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 9 years

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian? It connects me with business people that I probably would not normally meet in my business activities.  The club allows us all to set aside specific times where we can focus on local issues.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise? No one memory sticks out to me.  Every year there are one or two events that make the whole year for me.  It could be a compelling story or an act of generosity by a fellow club member.  Bottom line, I am better for being involved with the club!

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian? Skipping the club meeting to go to work on the day the club was roasting me!!

What is your life motto? They have changed over time.  Currently it is something like this:  Life is too short not to have fun!  If you are not having fun most of the time, make the changes in your life to get back to having fun.

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? Usually I get the wisdom from the club but here goes – collectively we (the club) have the potential to do anything when we put our personal interests aside.
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Paula Dougherty

Paula is September's Sunrise Spotlight! She has been nominated by her peers for her positive influences and actions throughout the community and the Club.

Occupation / Title: Owner, Dougherty Wealth Management/Ameriprise Financial; Certified Financial Planner

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 11 years.

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian? The friends I have made both professionally and personally.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise? Getting to chat with the founding members of our club and listening to their stories of how our club began, where, when, etc….

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian? It is probably something I said while standing at the podium and I believe it had to do with pickles. At least some of the guys made something out of it….you know how they can be. J

What is your life motto? Be impeccable with your word and do what you say you are going to do.

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? Don’t take yourself or anything too seriously, get involved, be professional, show up, and always do your best.
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Marci Bowling

Marci is August's Sunrise Spotlight! She is a valued member of her community and an equally valued and respected member of Sunrise.

Occupation / Title:  Marketing & Business Development Executive with BKD CPAs & Advisors

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian?  The fellowship.  The service.  Working together to accomplish great things here and far, far away, leaving the earth a little better than we found it.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise? I’m always proud to be a Sunrise Rotarian so it’s hard to pick just one really.  Perhaps I find the most pride in how we rally around each other when we are in need; whether it be personal or professional; I feel like our club really cares about each other.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian? Probably shouldn’t write that one down…

What is your life motto?   I try to live by the motto “To whom much is given, much is required.”

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians?  I try to challenge myself using the four way test as I make decisions- it’s a good litmus test for so many things.  I also try to live each day to its’ fullest, recognizing you will never get those hours, minutes and seconds back to spend again.
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July’s Sunrise Spotlighter certainly knows no strangers and has visibly poured his heart and soul into his club and his community. He exemplifies what it is to be a Rotarian and that is why GR Stovall was named this year’s Sunrise Rotarian of the Year and chosen to be this month’s Sunrise Spotlight! Let’s find out a bit more about the man behind the Service Chair curtain, shall we?

Occupation / Title: Business Development, Commercial Construction

Number of years with Sunrise Rotary: 1 year 11 months

What do you enjoy most about being a Rotarian?  Being a part of an organization that is doing what they can do by choice, not what they have to do.

What is your fondest memory of being a member of Sunrise? I’m most honored and still surprised for being selected as the Sunrise Rotarian of the Year.  Sunrise Rotary is an elite group of people and I am honored to be among them.

What is your most embarrassing or funniest memory as a Rotarian? I often think of Mark Gambon being handcuffed and hauled off in the middle of a Sunrise meeting.  Priceless!!  It is nice to have breakfast with the Greene County Sherriff now and then!

What is your life motto? Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

What words of wisdom do you have for your fellow Rotarians? With respect to the motto above, “right” means simply doing our best. It becomes complicated and unproductive when we lose focus and chase the elusive goal of being “the best”.  After everything we should be able to measurably recognize that we have done our best…..or not!

Anything you’d like to add?  Actually, it might take 22 or more BIG DOGS to weigh a ton.
“And someone is getting out their calculator!”